
Driving ESG transformation in the agri-food industry

The significance of ESG in the agri-food industry

As the global population approaches 8 billion, the planet faces challenges in feeding everyone. Population projections from the United Nations anticipate that the number will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050. As our population increases, the food and agriculture industry is under pressure to meet the growing demand.

According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the food and agriculture industry contributes 31% of human-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Amid rising concerns about emissions, the F&B sectors are actively working to integrate ESG standards into their supply chains, navigating a sustainable path to combat climate change alongside the global community.

Beyond the environmental impact, the agri-food sector’s significance in the ESG landscape extends to various dimensions. Socially, there’s a focus on fair labour practices, ethical sourcing, and community engagement. Businesses increasingly recognise the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion, ensuring fair salaries, and supporting local communities.

Governance is crucial in recognising responsible business practices, transparent supply chains, and effective management structures. Ethical governance ensures accountability, emphasises risk and builds trust among stakeholders.

How can RightOrigins help in ESG compliance?

In the dynamic landscape of the agri-food industry, the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations has become paramount. Companies are facing substantial challenges in navigating the complexities of global supply chains while meeting the demands of consumers and upcoming regulatory requirements such as the EU Due Diligence law. In this context, RightOrigins offers a supply chain intelligence suite to streamline the aggregation, traceability, and analysis of multi-tier ESG data.

Challenges in the Agri-Food Sector

The agri-food sector is grappling with obstacles regarding ESG compliance as the global network is more intricate than we know. Companies should take a standardised approach to achieve sustainable goals and adhere to regulations like EUDR. Our RightOrigins recognises these challenges and provides tailored solutions.

Key features of RightOrigins

1. Strategic planning with actionable insights: The platform provides a clear overview of current supply chain operations, empowering leaders to plan and execute ESG strategies based on strategic, actionable insights.

2. Compliance with regulatory standards: RightOrigins aligns with regulatory standards, including the upcoming EU Due Diligence law, by automating the collection and analysis of multi-tier ESG data

Benefits of RightOrigins

1. Enhanced supply chain transparency: The solution maps suppliers, identifies risks, and offers a holistic view of the supply chain, promoting transparency.

2. Real-time risk mitigation: RightOrigins aids in mitigating risks by providing real-time, traceable, data-driven insights, facilitating audits and expediting product recalls when necessary.

3. Adaptability and customisation: The customer-centric approach ensures the platform is tailored to each client’s unique needs, guaranteeing compliance and driving ESG transformation.

4. Automate ESG Reporting: Facilitates the efficient completion of ESG reporting and customer questionnaires by intelligently populating responses, expediting the overall process.

5. Optimise supply chain visibility: Streamline supplier management, inventory control, and compliance by mapping your entire supply chain for enhanced operational efficiency.

6. Enhance data integrity: Ensures data relevance, updates, and uniformity by seamlessly syncing with your existing systems and streamlining processes for optimal efficiency.

7. Ensure regulatory compliance: Streamlines adherence to upcoming supply chain due diligence laws, automating ESG reporting and expediting the compliance process for a smoother workflow.

8. Elevate product quality: Bolster product quality through real-time quality monitoring, utilising automated ESG reporting to enhance efficiency and streamline customer questionnaires.

Shaping companies for a sustainable future

RightOrigins opens windows of opportunity for companies to fulfil sustainable goals and comply with regulations like EUDR. RightOrigins distinguishes itself by offering a highly adaptable solution tailored to support CXOs, sustainability officers, and procurement leaders in the strategic planning and execution of their ESG strategies. This customer-centric approach ensures that the platform is flexible enough to align with the unique processes of each organisation. The practical and user-friendly implementation of the platform promotes a cohesive approach across supply chains, internal processes, and ERPs, establishing a future-proof system capable of swiftly adapting to emerging market trends and evolving ESG and quality standards. 


As companies in the agri-food industry navigate the evolving landscape of ESG considerations, RightOrigins stands as a reliable partner in driving ESG transformation. The platform’s comprehensive approach, from environmental impact to social responsibility and governance, positions companies for long-term resilience and success. By leveraging RightOrigins, companies can not only meet regulatory requirements but also proactively shape a sustainable future for themselves and the global agri-food ecosystem.

To learn more about how RightOrigins, our Supply Chain Traceability and ESG Intelligence suite can
support your ESG & Sustainability goals for 2024 & beyond, consult with our in-house expert.

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